Tuesday, December 25, 2007


nonton tv dalam sebulan ini, beritanya ga jauh dari banjir dimana mana. sumatera, jawa, kalimantan, sulawesi, semua tempat deh kayaknya. apalagi dalam beberapa hari ini hujan terus mengguyur negri kita tercinta (paling ga denpasar lah) dari hari minggu non stop !!!. lalu, banjir dan longsor melanda. Madiun, Mojokerto, Karanganyar, Wonogiri, Kota Baru, dll, terlalu banyak yang harus disebutkan...
lalu, apa kira2 penyeban banjir ?? AIR... tentu saja air.... tapi apa yang membuat air menjadi begitu banyak ???
mungkin isu yang paling hangat saat ini sangat relevan, perubahan iklim, deforestasi, dan hilangnya daerah2 resapan air secara besar2an. ga percaya ? coba deh amati daerah2 yang kena banjir, terutama yang terletak di kalimantan, sulawesi, dan sumatera. pasti di sekitarnya hutan2 telah pada gundul ditebangi para jahanam pelaku pembalakan haram. di jawa, terjadi karena banyak daerah hijau (terutama sawah) yang berubah jadi pemukiman. lalu, secara global, hujan nampaknya lebih senang turun sekaligus banyak dalam satu waktu dari pada menyebarkannya secara merata dalam rentang waktu yang lebih lama.

wah, cukup kompleks kayaknya kalo ngebahas kenapa banjir ini terjadi begitu merata di negri kita ini. lalu apa yang harus kita lakukan ???
nampaknya tahun depan kita harus lebih memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan sekitar kita. pemerintah sebagai pengemban amanat rakyat harus berani berbuat ekstrem. beberapa hal yang saya berani usulkan :
1) kurangi konversi lahan hijau menjadi peruntukan lainnya;
2) perbanyak rumah model rumah susun atau apartemen, tidak lagi rumah konvensional yang akan menghabiskan banyak lahan.
3) pemerintah pusat harus berani mengentikan kegiatan eksploitasi hutan yang melibatkan deforestasi, apapun alasannya, apapun konsekuensinya.
4) terapkan penyadaran masyarakan untuk sadar lingkungan.
5) terapkan teknologi pengolahan sampah yang ramah lingkungan (misalnya biogas ???, usaha daur ulang, dll)
ah... kayaknya masih banyak sih yang bisa dilakukan.... seperti yang selalu a agym katakan "mulai dari diri sendiri, mulai dari hal yang kecil, mulai dari sekarang".... apa yang bisa dilakukan, tergantung kita masing2...


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

ujan euy,,,,

denpasar ujan lagi....
seneng deh, jadinya tanemanku pada disiramin n ga kepanasan lagi.. tapi gara2 saluran air kesumbat, rumahku sempet kebanjiran deh... yah, kepaksa deh naek genteng menelusuri di mana masalahnya n buang tuh penyumbat2nya (potongan genteng, tanah dari lumut genteng, plastik !!!). alhamdulillah kali ini ga banjir lagi.....
tanemanku seger2...
tapi.... aku jemur cuciannya gimana ?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Climate Change

berbagai event diselenggarakan di Nusa Dua mulai 3- 14 Desember ini sebagai bagian dari United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference, CoP 13. ada yang emang debat soal bagaimana negaranya dapet benefit dari isu perubahan iklim, ada yang ribut2 menuntut keadilan bagi masyarakat marginal akibat berbagai dampak perubahan iklim, ada yang pening2 gara dengerin presentasi gimana caranya ngitung carbon jadi duit... ada juga yang sekedar jalan2 untuk ketemu temen2 lama n nyari temen baru. seru juga lah....
tapi yang paling penting dari event itu adalah kesadaran kita untuk bersama menjaga bumi ini agar selamat dari berbagai dampak perubahan iklim, seperti cuaca yang tidak dapat diprediksi, pemanasan global, mencairnya es di kutub, kenaikan permukaan air laut, menghilangnya berbagai spesies, rusaknya hutan, dan lain2 dan lain2.... terlalu banyak...
wel... aku juga baru kenal dengan istilah CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) ato REDD (Reducing Emission from Deforestation in Developing Country). tapi paling nggak, aku jadi belajar...
lagian aku juga jadi ada ide untuk bikin research link antara komodo n climate change....




M Jeri Imansyah

Address : Jl Sudirman IV,Gg Karya Bhakti II no 6,

Denpasar 80234, Bali, Indonesia

Mobile :+6281338531303, Fax +62361710352

E-mail :mjimansyah@yahoo.co.id

Professional Objectives

To pursue a challenging professional career in natural resource conservation or a biological field within a progressive institution that allows me to develop ideas and expertise.

Qualification summary

Ø Six year’s professional experiences in conservation projects including research and managerial oversight.

Ø Capable to be responsible for the operational/managerial oversight of project, including designing proposal and budget, undertaking activities, also monitoring and post project evaluation.

Ø Possess a considerable diligence and strong work ethic to undertake varies and often arduous conservation, research / monitoring, and training activities.

Ø Possess remarkable ability in public relations in difficult political and administrative contexts.

Ø Capable to demonstrate technical capacity to grasp and comprehend various conservation and monitoring methodologies and associated experimental design with high proficiency.

Ø Capable to works very well both independently and as part of a team member.

Ø Proficient in operating MS Office (e.g Words, Excell, Power Point), SPSS, Sigma Plot, ESRI ArcView, Ecological Methodology (Krebbs 1999), Fractal (Nams, 2004).

Professional experiences

Mar 2007 - Present (contract will be terminated in January 2008)

Komodo Survival Program, Denpasar Indonesia

Program Coordinator / Acting Project Leader

Supervisor : Dr. Claudi Ciofi (Scientific Advisor)

Ø Responsibilities including designing activities, designing monitoring protocols for Komodo dragon and terrestrial wildlife, developing proposal and budget, government and stakeholders relationship in term of initiating collaborative terrestrial monitoring program in Komodo National Park and Flores, also in charge for the operational / managerial for the program.

Jun 2002 – Jul 2007

Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, San Diego, USA

Research Officer / Assistant to Project Leader

Supervisor : Dr. Tim Jessop (Project Leader), and Dr Andy Phillips (Deputy Director of CRES)

Ø Responsibilities included assisting project leader in organizing and conducting programs for field research on the Komodo dragon and other terrestrial wildlife including mammals and birds. In addition, I was involved in capacity building & education, report compilation writing and translation, database and equipment management, as well as in charge as a liaison officer for CRES-ZSSD Komodo Project to undertake coordination activities with other governmental, NGO, and broadcaster institutions. In the absence of Project Leader, I was also in charge for the operational/managerial oversight of this project.

Nov 2001 – May 2002

Komodo International Research Center, Denpasar Indonesia

Research Fellow / Assistant to Project Leader

Supervisor : Ir. IDPP Sastrawan MAgrSc (former Director of KOMIREC)

Ø Responsibilities included organizing and conducting activities for field research on hatchling of the Komodo Dragons in the Komodo National Park and report writing.

Education backgrounds

Nov 2003 – Dec 2006

Master of Science (MSc) in Zoology / Biological Conservation by thesis

Ø School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia

Ø Thesis title “Spatial Ecology of Hatchling and Juvenile Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Ø Supervised by Prof. Dr. Zubaid Akbar (main supervisor, UKM) and Dr. Tim Jessop (co supervisor, CRES / Zoos Victoria)

Ø Full scholarship & research aids provided by the CRES-ZSSD and AZA (USD 18,225)

Aug 1995 – Jun 2001

Bachelor of Science (SSi) in Biology by thesis

Ø Department of Biology, Udayana University, Indonesia

Ø Undergraduate thesis title “Daily Movement and Activity of Bali Starling (Leucosar rothschildi) in the Bali Barat National Park

Ø Supervised by Sudaryanto, MS (Unud) and Ir IDPP Sastrawan, MAgrSc. (Unud)

Ø Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship 2000-2001

Aug 1999 – Aug 2000

Diploma 1 (D1) in English

Ø LDTEC, Faculty of Letter, Udayana University, Indonesia.

Professional Developments

Ø GIS and its application for Nature Resource Management Feb 2003

BIOTROP Training and Information Center, Bogor, Indonesia.

Ø Bat Research and Conservation Training May 2003

Malaysian Bat Conservation and Research Unit, Malaysia

Ø Protected Animal Treatment Management Jul 2000

Directorate General of PHKA, Indonesian Forestry Department, Bogor

Ø ZOPP Implementation for Project Development. Aug 1999

GTZ and BirdLife Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia.

Ø Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL A). Jul 1999

BAPEDAL and Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia.

Ø Management for Non Profit Organization. May 1999

BirdLife Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia.

Ø Primate Behavior and Ecology Jul-Aug 1997

Primate Research Center; Bogor Agriculture Institute, Indonesia and University of Washington, USA

Ø Advance training on First aid and SAR Management May 1996

Indonesian Red Cross Society Bali branch.

Ø Basic Training on First aid and SAR Nov 1995

Indonesian Red Cross Society Bali branch.

Research highlights (2001-present)

Ø Komodo dragon broad scale ecology : population ecology, spatial ecology, annual prey density, annual reproduction, annual recruitment, annual movement

Ø Population and nest ecology of Yellow-crested Cockatoo

Ø Birds of Komodo National Park

Ø Raptor Migration in Bali and Komodo National Park

National / International Achievements

Ø Reviewer, Indonesia threatened bird species conservation status (Yellow-crested Cockatoo and Flores Hanging-parrot) Nov 2007

BirdLife International Programme

Ø Second Winner, Bali Birdwatching Race Nov 2007

Department of Biology of Udayana University and Mangrove Information Center Bali.

National and International Seminar / Workshops / Internships

Ø Participant, International Forestry Parallel Events on UNFCCC Dec 2007

United Nation, Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, CIFOR, Wetland International

Ø Oral presentation, International Seminar on Biology Sept 2007

Faculty of Biology, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ø Oral presentation, National Seminar on Herpetology May 2007

Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia

Ø Internship, Komodo Project May 2006

Zoos Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Ø Visiting lecturer for Animal Behavior Class 2003; 2004; 2005

Department of Biology, Udayana University, Indonesia

Ø Volunteer, Bat Conservation and Research May 2003

Malaysian Bat Conservation and Research Unit

Ø Bali Starling preservation Jul 2001

Indonesian Ministry of Environmental

Student Supervision

Ø Marliana Chrismiawati, candidate for BSc in Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (on going) 2007

Ø Makhrabi Akbar, SSi (Biology), Dept of Biology, Udayana University Bali, Indonesia 2007

Ø Rachel Rarawoda, SSi (Biology), Dept of Biology, Duta Wacana Christian University Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2007

Broadcasting / Media Consultancies

Ø Consultant, National History of New Zealand Aug 2007

Ø Consultant, National Geographic USA (Flores Python and Komodo dragon Project) Jun, Jul 2007

Ø Interviewee, Metro TV Indonesia Sep 2006

Ø Consultant, NHK Japan Aug 2006

Ø Interviewee, Kompas Indonesia Jun 2005

Ø Interviewee, Metro TV Indonesia Apr 2005

Ø Consultant, Two Hands Production, UK Mar 2005

Ø Consultant, Tigress Production UK for Discovery Channel Feb 2005

Ø Interviewee, Radio BBC UK Jul 2004

Ø Liaison officer, National Geographic USA Oct 2003

Research Grants

Ø American Zoo Association 2005

Research grant (USD 3,225) for research on spatial ecology of immature Komodo dragon in the Komodo National Park.

Ø Oriental Bird Club, England 2005

Conservation Grant (GBP 500) for Survey on Yellow Crested Cockatoo in the Komodo National Park.

Ø Government of Bali Province, Indonesia 2001

Research grant (IDR 7.000.000) for research on Bali Starling in Bali Barat National Park.

Professional Associations

Ø Member, International Varanid Interest Group 2007 – Present

Ø Member, Indonesian Ornithological Union (IdOU) 2005 – Present

Ø Advisory Board Member, Kokokan birdwatcher Association 2003 – Present

Ø Member, Raptor Indonesia Network (RAIN) 2002 – Present

Ø Member, Ekapaksi Alumni Volunteer for Indonesian Red Cross Society 2001 – Present

Ø Member, Earthwatch Institute Australia 2003 – 2004

Ø Coordinator, Kokokan birdwatcher Association 2000 – 2001

Ø Coordinator, NGOs Network for Bali Barat Conservation (JKBB) 1999 – 2001

Ø Representative of Kokokan as Member of PANTAU 1999 – 2001

Ø Representative of HIMABIO UNUD as Member Member, Jaring PELA 1999 – 2001

Ø Chairperson, Student Association of Department Biology of Udayana University 1997-1998


Dr. Tim S. Jessop

- Ecologist, Department of Wildlife Conservation and Science, Zoos Victoria, Australia.

- Contact: ph +61 392859387, 392859300, fax _61 392859350, email tjessop@zoo.org.au

Dr. Claudio Ciofi,

- Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Biology and Genetic, University of Florence, Italy.

- Komodo Dragon SSP Grant Review Panel.

- Contact: ph +39 0552288290, fax +390552288289, email claudio.ciofi@unifi.it

Prof. Dr. Zubaid Akbar

- Professor, School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

- Contact: ph +60 389213827, 389251081, email zubaid@ukm.my / zubaid@pkriscc.ukm.my

Ir. IDPP Putra Sastrawan, M.Agr.Sc

- Senior lecturer, Dept. of Biology, Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia.

- Contact: mobile +62 81337762988, email iniradef@indo.net.id,.

Dr. John A Phillips

- Deputy Director, Center for Conservation and Research of Endangered Species, ZSSD, USA.

- Contact: ph +1 6192311515, email jphillips@sandiegozoo.org.

Highlighted Reports, Publications, and Thesis, (published) 2003-October 2007

1. Imansyah, M.J, Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C., Akbar, Z. 2007. Ontogenetic differences in the spatial ecology of immature Komodo Dragons. Journal of Zoology 2007: 1-9 (online article, doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.2007.00368.x).

2. Jessop, T.S., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H. 2007. Biawak Komodo di pulau kecil lebih rentan. Warta Herpetofauna Vol I (1): 2-5, Agustus 2007. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

3. Imansyah, M.J. 2006. Spatial ecology of hatchling and juvenile Komodo dragons in the Komodo National Park, Indonesia. MSc thesis. University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. 81 p.

4. Imansyah, M.J., Anggoro, D.G., Yangpatra, N., Hidayat, A., Benu, Y.J. 2005. Sebaran dan karakteristik pohon sarang kakatua jambul kuning (Cacatua sulphurea parvula) di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 30 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

5. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S., 2005. Laporan no 3 rekapitulasi hasil penelitian ekologi biawak komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di taman nasional komodo 2002 – 2004. Report from the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 15 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

6. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Jessop, T.S. 2003. Survei Potensi Hidupan Liar Terestrial di Pulau Komodo, Taman Nasional Komodo 2002. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 23 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

7. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop, T.S. 2002. Materi Kursus 1: Dasar-dasar Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Staff Taman Nasional Komodo. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 13 p. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

8. Jessop, T.S., Madsen, T., Ciofi, C., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Rudiharto, H., Arifiandy, A., Phillips, J.A. 2007. Island differences in population size structure and catch per unit effort and their conservation implications for Komodo dragons. Biological Conservation 135: 247-255.

9. Jessop, T.S, Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H., Seno, A., Opat, D.S., Noviandi, T., Payung, I., Ciofi, C. 2007. Ekologi populasi, reproduksi, dan spasial biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di Taman Nasional Komodo. Edited by Imansyah, M.J., Ariefiandy, A., Purwandana, D. The Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 35 p. ISBN 978-979-15917-0-6. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

10. Jessop, T.S., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Rudiharto, H. 2007. Panduan pemantauan ekologi di Taman Nasional Komodo, Indonesia. The Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, dan The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores. 62 p. ISBN 978-979-15917-1-3. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

11. Jessop, T.S., Forsyth, D.M., Purwandana, D., Imansyah, J., Opat, D.S., McDonald-Madden, E. 2005. Monitoring the ungulate prey of Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) using faecal counts. Report from the the Zoological Society of San Diego, Balai Taman Nasional Komodo, and The Nature Conservancy. Labuan Bajo, Flores, 26p.

12. Jessop T.S., Sumner J., Rudiharto H., Purwandana D., Imansyah M.J., Phillips, J.A. 2004. Distribution, use and selection of nest type by Komodo Dragons. Biological Conservation 117: 463 – 470.

Highlighted Publications in progress

1. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop T.S., Ciofi, C., Akbar, Z., Ariefiandy, A., Phillips., J.A. 2007. Pergerakan dan wilayah aktivitas pada Biawak Komodo (Varanus komodoensis) di Pulau Komodo. Submitted as Proceeding of National Seminar on Herpetology 2007 in November 2007. Bogor University of Agriculture. (in Bahasa Indonesia).

2. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Jessop T.S. 2007. First record on Flores hanging parrot Loriculus flosculus in Rinca Island, Komodo National Park. Forktail, accepted in October 2007.

3. Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Jessop T., Trainor, C. 2007. Current Population estimates and nest characters of the Yellow–crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) on Komodo Island, Lesser Sundas, Indonesia. Submitted to the Bird Conservation International.

4. Jessop, T.J., Sumner, J., Imansyah, M.J., Purwandana, D., Ariefiandy, A., Seno, A. 2007. Distribution, seasonal use, and predation of Orange-footed Scrubfowl incubation mounts on Komodo Island, Indonesia. Submitted to Journal of Field Ornithology, accepted in October 2007.

5. Schellekens, M., Trainor, C.R., Encalado, J.J.R., Imansyah, J. 2007. Status of the Pied Imperial Pigeon Ducula bicolor and Pink-necked Green Pigeon Treron vernans on Flores. Submitted to Kukila in March 2007.